Archives for posts with tag: fajitas

In the past, when I have made fajitas I would either grill or pan fry the chicken, and sautee in the bell peppers20131010_175115 and onions. It was always a labor of love standing over the stove to make sure nothing burnt. ugh! But for this version, I was able to cut everything up and bake it all together, which was so much easier! And the way it filled the house with it’s deliciously spicy aroma made it that much better. I found the recipe on, but changed a few things such as more vegetables and actual diced tomatoes instead of canned. I will definitely be making this again.

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I’m raging with ire an ocean of fire, my Wrath is the path to all I desire.

7 Deadly Zins

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

I am inflated with Pride, near bursting inside, a self centered repenter, Vanitys‘ bride.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

I am mired in mud, inert as a slug, Sloth is the cloth that’s woven my rug.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

I eat day and night, consuming all in my sight, Glutton with nothing but a huge appetite.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

My will I ignore, my Envy’s a chore, over zealous and jealous, I want so much more.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

I am ravenous to feast, and insatiable beast, I concede to the Greed demanding release.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

I hunger for trust, my cravings a must, my sin is the Zin enslaving my Lust.

Oh Lord, forgive my Zins.

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Cooking the onion and the bell pepper

For dinner day 5 I felt like taking requests (and I was quickly running out of creative ideas 😛 ). So I asked my boyfriend what he wanted for dinner – he said tacos. Tacos? We JUST had tacos- apparently, I had done well. I asked him to give me a different idea, but he refused. He said he wanted real tacos not fish tacos, and that there was a difference. FINE. I finally decided on Chicken Fajitas. Similar to tacos but… different. The recipe I used came from The Food Network, and only took about an hour to make including marinating time for the chicken.The result was a deliciously zesty hand held meal that made everyone in the house happy and full.

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